Project Description


I have made my first experimental short film, Scotland (Blowup Film Festival Chicago 2020, VII Cinemística Granada 2021, Philadelphia Film Festival 2021, Internationales Festival Zeichen der Natch Berlin 2021, Girona Film Festival 2022) based on my photographs that aims to address, from a personal perspective, the founding myth of Scotland.


According to the legend, an Egyptian princess named Scota arrived by boat to the coasts of Scotland in the company of her husband, Goidel Glas, carrying with her the Stone of Scone that had belonged to the patriarch Jacob.

Technical Credits

Screenplay: Helena Pellicer Ortiz
Photography: Helena Pellicer Ortiz
Music: Lito Vitale
Sound: Tomás Suárez
Edition: Helena Pellicer & Tomás Suárez
Production: Héctor Faver & LINK-UP